Thursday, September 27, 2012

Apple Seeking $3B From Samsung

Samsung was found guilty during the lengthy court battle with Apple.

Court denied the recent motion of Samsung to lift the U.S sales ban for Galaxy Tab 10.1 after they have announced that Samsung is guilty of multiple patent infringements from Apple Company. Samsung was said to have copied 5 out of 6 specs from Apple.

Now Apple was reportedly seeking for $3B dollars for the damages. Three times higher than what was recently announced which is $1.5 billion. Lucy Koh, the presiding judge for the case, has agreed to triple the damages which were requested by the Apple Company. Korean Times reported that Cupertino firm is set to return to court on Friday to make an appeal for more restitution.

Either the court will agree for the restitution or not, we will yet to find out this Friday. Stay tuned for more updates.


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