Saturday, September 29, 2012

iOS6: Apples’ most popular update

After second day of Apples’iOS6 released, iPod touch, iPad and iPhone owners had already upgraded to the new OS. Last Thursday, it was announced that % 15 of iThings owners had downloaded the OS6 after the first day of its released. It was the most popular update compared to iOS 5 which was % 20 adoptions within 5 days.

Owners of Apple devices had no problem downloading the iOS 6 on their devices except for some owners who have been pining for Google maps to be returned on their homescreen due to the many problems that arises with Apple's own maps and navigation apps. A company spokesperson was very apologetic and appreciative about the reaction of the owners of Apple devices. He also explained that Maps in iOS 6 is a cloud-based solution and the more people will use it, the better it gets.

It may take time for the maps in iOS 6 to be finalized but will see, it might be even better than the previous iPhone maps.


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