Saturday, October 27, 2012

A6 Processor: The Best at JavaScript Performance

The ARM-based A6 processor that powers the iPhone 5 is supposedly the best when it comes to the JavaScript performance. This smartphone did fantastic in Geek Benchmark.

Apple, no doubt, spent quite a lot of time in building this processor and the hard work really shows when it beats the rest of the competition in JavaScript benchmarking.

As per AnandTech, they have run the Sun Spider benchmark on the iPhone5 and the result is stupendous, in fact the best so far.

If we go by the analysis of AnandTech, iPhone5 has beaten even the recently announced RAZR i and Galaxy Note II.
  • RAZR I is powered by the powerful Intel Atom Medfield chip clocked at 2GH.
  • Galaxy Note II is powered by new Jelly Bean JavaScript engine.

However, AnandTech said that this supremacy of the A6 chip is primarily because of the issues in the A9′s memory interface.


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