Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Apple Company Announced SIRI’s New Boss

Siri is an intelligent personal assistant and knowledge navigator software that is available in App store.

After loosing former Siri CEO and co-founder Dag Kittlaus and Adam Cheyer, Apple has been hunting for a new boss to handle Siri department until they have found William Stasior on Monday.

Stasior is a high-profile executive. He is the former president and CEO of Amazon’s A9 division. His Apple job title is not yet clear. His job history with Amazon started last 2003 as Director of search and navigation until he became president and CEO of A9.

A new leader in Siri division will make the search technology move forward. The changes favored firm’s desire in developing and offering high proprietary services whenever Apple can. Though Siri has a long way to replace Google’s own search algorithm but they are sure developing Siri until time comes.

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