Showing posts with label RadioShack Target. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RadioShack Target. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

iPhone 5 Shortage

Major U.S retailers such as Bestbuy, RadioShack and Target encountered iPhone 5 shortage. In some locations, retailers also experienced the same problem when they’ve received less than a dozen of iPhone 5 during its released a few weeks ago.

According to recent report, Apple distributed 5 million iPhone devices to it’s retailers for sale during the first week of its release. However, this massive numbers of devices still low from analysts predictions.

A possible cause of this shortage might be because of Sharp Manufacturer. Sharp is the supplier of Apple's displays. It was reported that Sharp was delayed on supplying the display. It was reported that they did not begin the production of iPhone 5 displays until the release of the smartphone earlier this month.

The new display of Apple cost $7 extra that the ones on the previous model. It is a half-inch longer and has an in-cell touch screen technology. This technology will merge the display and touch screen in one layer that will produce superior colors.

It seemed that Apple is experiencing a bumpy ride with their products this year. However, Apple still manages one million more sales on its first weekend of their iPhone 5 release.

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