Sunday, October 21, 2012

Camera Shootout: iPhone 5 vs iPhone 4S

iPhone5 boasts of a better and stronger 8MP camera than the iPhone 4S. However the point to be noted is that the iPhone5 is a thinner handset and camera is always a concern in such handsets.

iPhone5 camera is a slighter wider than the 4S (4.28mm Vs 4.13mm) however it should not make much of a difference.

In one of our previous post, iPhone 5 beats iPhone 4S in video stabilization. However, the latter captures finer details. Having said that, we are curious how the iPhone 5 will do in a camera shootout with its predecessor.  Let's find out below.

A comparison of several photos of iPhone 4S and iPhone5 indicates that the colors are more accurate in iPhone5 photos. However, it really takes an effort to spot the difference.

It also has better contrast and a slightly lower amount of noise, plus slightly better sharpness. iPhone5 also boasts of better color rendering.

The iPhone 5 camera module had to be 18% smaller than the one in the 4S to fit into the thinner phone. Apple has actually managed to get the most of its 8MP camera and that’s actually a great achievement.

However those carrying iPhone 4S should not worry as the handset still has one of the best cameras in the market.

You can visit this store for the latest Apple iPhone accessories.


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