Saturday, October 6, 2012

Apple Maps dropped 4 percent usage

Along with the updates of new iOS 6 comes a disastrous Apple Maps on the Apples new smartphone model, iPhone 5.

According to Snappli, who is responsible for compressing data and video which help people stay within their limits, claims that before iOS 6 update, 25% of iPhone users are using Google Maps. Now that users installed iOS 6 update to their iPhone, Google Maps usage has reach up to 35% compared to the homegrown Apple Maps which is only 4%.

Tim Cook, Apple CEO, issued an apology to iPad, iPhone and iTouch users with regard to its Apple Maps application. He also suggested for users to use other Map carriers such as the Nokia Maps and the Google Maps while Apple techs are cleaning up the mess.

As Snapplis’ data, iThings users heed the advice which increases the download of other maps. However, since Snappli is just one source, the data does not equate for all the activity of downloading new different maps in iPhone.

As for Apple Company, we appreciate the sincerity and we’re looking forward for iPhone 5 to regain its throne.

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