Sunday, October 14, 2012

Strike at iPhone 5 manufacturing plant is not true says Foxconn

Apple requested an implementation of a stricter quality control which could be the reason of one irate employee beating one of the quality control inspectors. 

On Friday, 3,000 to 4,000 employees were allegedly left their post in Zhengzhou factory because of strict inspections from the quality control. It was said that most of the employees feel pressured on their work.

Foxconn views on the incident considered it minor disputes and did not delay the production of iPhone 5. In a statement emailed by Foxcoon to Reuters pointed out that the report of employee strike is inaccurate and there has been to stoppage of workplace. Therefore, Foxconn is still on time of its production. Foxconn also added that the disruptions happened last Oct 1-2 is a small matter and it was immediately addressed and measures had been taken accordingly.

Last Month, it was reported that there was a riot happened in Faxconn facility in Taiyuan, North China which required 5,000 police to calm the situation. It seems clear that it is not well inside the plant. Don’t you think?

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