Tuesday, October 2, 2012

iPhone 5 Pre-Orders

iPhone 5 was on the 21st of September and ever since it has been unveiled, all loyal Apple customers are waiting to get their hands on the new iOS 6 iPhone 5.

The pre-orders started from September 12th, but Apple delayed it, making Apple fans more eager for this amazing device. The pre-orders was shifted to September 14th.

According to the latest news, we have gathered hot news that pre-orders for the iPhone 5 has created a big boom for Apple, as there is a big shortage for all the online centers selling the iPhone 5. They say that pre-orders go way over their expectations, and now they are looking back at Apple to supply them with more iPhone 5s to meet the people’s demands.

Online centers have increased the number of staffs just in case things turn into a chaos.

Along with iOS 6, the iPhone 5 was predicted to be one heck of a blast for Apple and that it will give it a good share in the smartphone market. With all the apps and the elegant slim design, the iPhone 5 is presumed to surely have a big impact for Apple, and also other smartphone manufactures. But with the numerous problems that Apple face with the iPhone 5 such as the scratches on the brand-new-straight-out of-of the-box iPhone 5 and not to mention the disastrous mapping service, do you think this prediction will still come true? And will the demand for the iPhone 5 decrease because of these problems? What do you think?

For the latest iPhone accessories, please visit Crocwireless.com.


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