Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jailbreak of iPhone 5 happened a day after its release.

Grant Paul, who uses an online handle “chpwn”, is a renowned iPhone safe-cracker. Apparently, he already cracked the iPhone 5. He posted photos of his smartphone running the Cydia store, which is an online store that features apps that is not authorized by Apple. The image came with a caption "Taller screens like Cydia too. :)".

This post did not pass skeptics. They doubt that the photos had been Photoshopped which made Mr. Paul, to post other photos in which one of the pictures shows his iPhone 5 has a Cydia app store open and while the other photo shows the Cydia store running on the iPhone itself.

With these photos and news of jail breaking iphone 5 spread out, many iPhone users are eager to get away from homegrown App Store and unlock themselves through jail breaking. However, Grant Paul did not post the steps on how to unlock the iOS 6 just yet.

Well, if you plan on jail breaking your iPhone device then you should know that it means goodbye warranty.

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